Assalamualaikum.. Ini Blog Aku Yang Punya. :D Hmm..Xske Membebel..So Enjoy :D

Kera Sumbang T.T

Arghh..hari yg sgt membosankan bg aku kerana xtaw nk buat ape..hu3...selepas xcdnt,aku trz jd kera sumbang,terperok kat dlm rumah 24 hours..nk keluar mmber pown xda,smue da ade life msing2..hu3..nsib la ada laptop ni,wat aku bergame n berfacebook kejap,xpi tetap bosan sbb xde owg nk chat or cmnt2 je..mmber ramai xpi aptb..hahaha...almklm la aku ni xfamous mcm artis2..adess.memey la xde owg nk chat or cmnt2 aku..hak3 :P...

ouh ye,aku xcdnt bkn die sbbkan aku merempit kat jln raya or ape2 aje,aku xcdnt disbbkan kecuaian owg lain & aku mnjadi mangsanye..T.T..ade kepatut bwk moto meter 60 pown bley xcdnt,ce kau orang bygkan lju sgt 60 meter tu..??hish..cilakak tol orang yang langgar aku tu..hu3..Tapi aku bersyukur sbb umo aku msih pnjang lg,walaupown da patah riuk..hu3..ouh ye kejadian tu raya ke 1 or 3,x sure xpi tarikh die 1/9/11 (tyme raya aku kne)T.T..

Hmm,aku pown da taw nk merapu ape lg,so tggu je la nxt2 post..insyallah aku akn post bnde2 menarik..btw peace n Assalamualaikum.. :D


Kenangan Bersama Delta Generation :D

Pada 27/7/2011 Tarikh Keramat Bagi Delta Generation Group kerana Menghadapi Presentation Final Project Yg Amat HaHaHaHA..~~!! :D


Muz(Leader Project)

Cik Nerdz(Documentation)






Qimiqa With Intan

Intan With Nadia

Intan With Cik Nerdz

Muz with Qimiqa

Qimiqa With xKaCaNgx

Nadia, Qimiqa, Lin, Intan(4 Dara Pinggitan) :D

Gurlz Team :D

Qimiqa & Intan Diapit 2 Jejaka Malaya :D (Iqram & Muz)

Perbincangan Last2 Minit Berlaku :P

We Rock Babe..HaHaHa :D

Delta Generation & Madam Janagi(our supervisor)

This Poem To Delta Generation Group..THx Guyz :D

Somewhere in a distance
I see pigeons fly
Sharing wonderful moments
When they are above the sky

Thinking all the memories
They made on yesterday
Sitting on the branches
Of experience, agonies and gay

Listening to the music
Of a solemn day
All the fun they made
In the sand will lay

Memories of friendship
I know it will never end
As pigeons fly high
And protect their relationship

xKaCaNgx :D

HaHaHa..At Last Siap Gak :D

Ha3...setelah berjam2 aku siapkan blog ni at last..jd jgk..hehehe...da tgh bosan2 memblogkan diri yg xreti blog ni..hahaha :D..hope ok lew :P
